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Halloween is not the most environmentally friendly holiday with millions of candy wrappers entering the landfill in just a few short hours. But, there are ways to limit your waste and maintain an eco-conscious mindset while still enjoying the fun festivities. 


1. Get creative with your treats

Candy is the most obvious treat to pass out at Halloween for kids, but there are other more sustainable options that might even be more exciting and inclusive! Candy can be repetitive, and surprising kids with something different, like Halloween themed pencils and erasers, organic sweets, or bracelets. Some candy companies even sell their cult favorites in box form—Junior Mints offers this plastic-free packaging. 

2. Research recycling programs in your area

Depending on your area, it might be possible to collect all of your used candy wrappers and recycle them after the Halloween festivities. Terracycle is an example of an organization that has recycling programs for unusual products that are normally not recyclable through traditional city waste management. Though they don’t have a candy wrapper program currently, you might be able to find a similar resource in your country, city, neighborhood, etc. 

3. Rethink your decor

There are many options out there for eco-friendly Halloween decorations, ranging from energy-saving lights to DIY projects. Turn making Halloween sustainable into a fun activity that the whole family can get in on—making a reef from recycled materials, for example! You also don’t have to purchase new decorations every year: reuse your collection year to year and thrift new items when needed. 

4. Choose locally-grown pumpkins

Conventionally-grown pumpkins often include chemicals that harm wildlife and pollute groundwater. Support local farmers and avoid these environmentally-damaging chemicals by buying local. 

These are just 4 ways you can be more intentional during this year’s Halloween season. It’s okay to not be perfectly sustainable in every way—it’s impossible. But, it is possible to reduce your impact on the environment through small, simple changes. 

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